
Hardwarekeyloggersareusedforkeystrokelogging,amethodofcapturingandrecordingcomputerusers'keystrokes,includingsensitivepasswords.,USBFingerprintReaderforWindowsHello,0.05s360-DegreeSensorSecurityDevice,AKFSD-07·4.14.1outof5stars.(3,931).,Smallestkeyloggeronthemarket,only0.8(21mm)long;WorksasaWi-Fihotspot,connectfromanycomputer,smartphone,ortablet;Accesskeystrokedata ...,Ahardwarekeyloggerisatin...

Hardware keylogger

Hardware keyloggers are used for keystroke logging, a method of capturing and recording computer users' keystrokes, including sensitive passwords.


USB Fingerprint Reader for Windows Hello, 0.05s 360-Degree Sensor Security Device, AKFSD-07 · 4.14.1 out of 5 stars. (3,931).

Hardware USB Keylogger with Wi

Smallest keylogger on the market, only 0.8 (21mm) long; Works as a Wi-Fi hotspot, connect from any computer, smartphone, or tablet; Access keystroke data ...


A hardware keylogger is a tiny electronic device capable of capturing keystrokes from a PS/2 or USB keyboard. A keylogger contains advanced electronic ...

Hardware Keylogger

The KeyGrabber Forensic Keylogger is a record-breaking USB hardware keylogger in terms of size, keyboard compatibility, and price. It measures only 0.4 (10 mm) ...

Hardware keylogger. Air & Pico WiFi USB hardware keylogger

Hardware USB keylogger solutions. KeyGrabber Pico Air - the smallest WiFi hardware keylogger.

KeyGhost Keylogger

The KeyGhost Hardware Keylogger is a tiny plug-in device that records every keystroke typed on any PC computer. Keystroke logging keylogger learn more >> ...


2023年7月6日 — Hardware keyloggers are physical devices that are connected between the keyboard and the computer. They record information directly from the ...